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Six Superpowers Coming to an Ushur Near You

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We were going to wind you up with a loooong intro.

But then we figured, it’s been an interminable summer, it’s abominably hot, and even superheroes like yourselves could use a little straightforward good news.

For the enterprises that have battled sky-high call volumes, hundreds of thousands of emails, heat-mad customers, and agents collapsing from fatigue in their bedroom-turned-everything, we are here with cool reinforcements.

A Quick Recap

Ushur is an intelligent workflow automation platform that uses conversational AI to create rich, contextual customer journeys with ease. Using its low-code environment, enterprise business users automate complex processes, integrating with their backend systems to serve customers in real-time. Enterprises simultaneously boost customer satisfaction while easing the burden on their agents, streamlining and future-proofing business.

Tailor-made, Super-approved

Like any superhero, your suit is your power: your fashionable yet functional statement of id. For enterprises that use Ushur, that manifests as a desire to serve 21st-century customers with 21st-century business solutions. Enterprises that seek to complete their digital transformation, enterprises that lean into self-improvement, enterprises who are always looking for better ways to engage their customers -- these enterprises maintain an edge by going above and beyond.

Like any superhero, your suit is your power: your fashionable yet functional statement of id. For enterprises that use Ushur, that manifests as a desire to serve 21st-century customers with 21st-century business solutions. Enterprises that seek to complete their digital transformation, enterprises that lean into self-improvement, enterprises who are always looking for better ways to engage their customers -- these enterprises maintain an edge by going above and beyond.

As with any suit, your mad scientists are here to help you level-up with six new abilities.

No. 1: Chatbots for Superscaling

For so many customer-centric operations, chatbots are the pretty window-dressing on a website. While they can be a neat visual, too often, a live agent ends up doing the heavy lifting.

Now, Ushur’s AI-powered chatbots allow enterprises to create actual value for their customers. These chatbots, trained via Machine Learning on industry datasets, can speak the language of the organization they’re serving. And unlike your physical premises and human agents, chatbots can scale with a yawn, casually handling thousands of interactions.

Insurance-savvy, healthcare-savvy? AI-powered chatbots can converse on relevant topics and engage in a meaningful conversation with customers seeking support. That’s real-time, 24/7 availability for your customers to resolve issues. Ushur’s AI-powered bots can even update customer data in your backend system without involving an agent, reducing administrative work and promoting entry compliance.

Read this eBook to learn how Ushur’s enterprise-grade chatbots for insurance are:

  • Scalable to meet 100x call volume spikes
  • Workflow-driven, helping members update claims, schedule appointments, and more
  • Pre-trained to speak knowledgeably in industry-appropriate terms
  • Smart, providing immediate answers to urgent queries
  • Highly secure, HIPAA- and SOC 2 Type 2-compliant for sensitive PII transfer

Bonus: Ushur breaks it down

The Ushur team decided it was time to demystify the chatbot landscape. We know that enterprises on the hunt for a chatbot need to scale quickly to meet customer needs, so we’ve analyzed the latest trends and deployment techniques for successful selection and adoption.

No. 2: On-demand Intervention for Supercharged Agents

Trust, but verify! Keep your agents looped in, at their convenience.

Ushur automates the busywork, allowing agents to assess workflows at critical junctures. Once workflows are undertaken, your agents have opportunities to support customers directly if and when appropriate.

Take advantage of options for agents to review and modify data or documents from customers easily and efficiently as a part of an engagement. Agents can approve forms and re-engage at-will to capture updated information or handle other requests.

Here is a familiar use case where the ability to involve agents at-will is a game-changer:

  1. A customer sends an email to an enterprise requesting a quote
  2. An enterprise-grade chatbot processes customer intent and automatically extracts key data points from the email
  3. Syncing with the backend system, the enterprise puts a quote together in mere seconds
  4. Prior to sending, an agent reviews the generated quote to ensure accuracy

Bonus: Birth of a Superpower
Ushur Product Manager Vishnu Rajkumar discusses his Ushur journey and dives into how the Supercharged Agents feature was ideated, executed, and implemented. Read how and follow his AI musings here.

No. 3: Virtual Business Cards for Super-branding

Put the virtue back in virtual.

Virtual Business Cards are to the post-Pandemic world what business cards were to journalist Clark Kent. Virtual Business Cards help enterprise agents keep top-of-mind for their customers.

Here’s a stat from the Temkin Group: “A moderate increase in Customer Experience generates an average revenue increase of $823 million over three years for a company with $1 billion in annual revenues.”

In a world where personal connection is more precious than ever, a Virtual Business Card is a reminder of great service and an invitation to the customer to interact and keep in touch with someone they liked. Agents can now brand a customer experience, promoting retention.

No. 4: Calendar Reminders for Superscheduling

Like we said, it’s been a hot, stressful summer. And even the best amongst us should be forgiven for not remembering which day of the week it is.

Eliminate that pit-in-the-feeling stomach for your customer when they’ve missed an appointment. Preempt an agent’s stress as they futilely try to reach a customer who’s taking a dip in the pool. Our Calendar Reminder feature gives end-users the ability to download reminders (in the form of ICS files) into native phone calendar apps.

When the kids are screaming, the new puppy is peeing, and the Zoom invites are piling up, give you and your customers a gentle, handy escape with a well-timed reminder.

No. 5: Integrations for Superslacking

It’s ServiceNow! It’s Salesforce! It’s Slack! You’d be forgiven for thinking we were playing an alliteration game with our certified integrations, but we know superheroes don’t have that kind of time.


No, we are talking Ushur’s new, deep integration with Slack, enabling intelligent automation for all sorts of work activities. Meet employees where they are already collaborating, communicating, and completing tasks. Integrate with your backend systems to automate tedious chores like data entry, ticket creation, and status updates.

With our Slack integration, initiate the Ushur App through your employees’ preferred communication channel. For example, Ushur can continuously provide the user with status updates throughout the life-cycle of tickets created. Workflows can be customized in the Ushur App and deployed instantly from Slack.

Bonus: Additional Powers

  • Meet your employees on their preferred communication channels
  • Eliminate logins to service desk applications
  • Speed up help-desk processes
  • Eliminate manual data entry
  • Enable Slack with intelligent automations

No. 6: Authentication and Audit for Supersecurity

If every superhero has a Kryptonite, our goal is to not let hackers reach your customer data, to be your Kryptonite.

Ushur is SOC 2 Type 2-compliant, and we maintain standards across a diverse range of industries, including HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, and TCPA.


Maintaining Secret Identities Requires Multifactor Authentication

By default, Ushur supports both multifactor and biometric authentication as optional mechanisms. Our partners can customize workflows to introduce further levels of authentication using their own enterprise data. For example, a business can choose to relay information such as an image to verify its own identity with its end-users. By leveraging customizable workflows, Ushur enables partners and their end-users to adopt safe practices to proactively defend against potential villainy.

Audit Trails to Catch ‘Em in the Act

Audit trails, electronic records that chronologically catalog events, provide support documentation and history that is used to authenticate operations and mitigate threats. Robust and accessible historical data allows Ushur to quickly red-flag abnormalities, allowing us to pivot from defense to offense against cyber-threats, security breaches, data corruption, and other information misuse.

We regularly perform audit exercises in conjunction with authorized third-party vendors, publishing frequent reports. Our engineering teams use in-house tools to perform extensive and routine penetration testing. As soon as we identify a vulnerability requiring remediation, it’s logged, triaged, and addressed.

Superbonus: Multimedia Messaging Service Support

Wow, you made it to the end of this article. Now you know why we jumped right in!

Here’s one more superpower, to keep up your sleeve for the right moment. Ushur now supports MMS, for all those rich images, complicated documents, and multimedia content you want to send your customers and vice versa.

Alright, you know what’s coming, but it has to be said: With great power, comes great responsibility … and opportunity!

To learn more about how you can wield these powers for good, contact us for a quick consultation.

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