The Culture Of Ushur: Our Three Values

February 16, 2022
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Written by:
Simha Sadasiva
Simha SadasivaCEO & Co-FounderUshur
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This past year for Ushur was one marked by growth across every corner of the organization. Our team tripled in size, and our revenue tripled in kind. We also tripled the number of verticals we serve, as well as our execution footprint.

As we’ve grown, I’ve found my own role changing alongside. I think about the early growth of a company as evolving from a small family into a small village. As a small family, and then as a tribe of 30-40, it was fairly easy for me to interact frequently with everyone. I had opportunities to work directly with most people, hold skip-level one-on-ones with those I didn’t, and really get a first-hand pulse on the state of the organization on an individual level.

Of course, at 150 employees that becomes near impossible. Part of healthy growth is knowing where to step back and let others help. To use an analogy from the world of sports, I’ve transitioned from player-coach to coach — thanks in large part to an expanded leadership team that has helped elevate Ushur to its next stage.

As part of that redefined role, I felt it was critically important to establish a clear, concise set of cultural values to help guide us as we continue to expand in every direction. Too often, growing companies lose the spirit of what made them great to begin with.

In close collaboration with our leadership team and our unstoppable head of HR, Sarah Stevens, we settled on three key values to serve as the framework for Ushur’s culture both for today, and for tomorrow.

It’s essential to meet the needs of one customer without abandoning another. A 70-year-old customer may have bought insurance at their agent’s corner office for most of their life, while a 30-year-old customer never even knew that was an option. Asking the former to give up their personal interaction for an automated phone call is as jarring as it would be to ask the latter to make a trip to the offices.

First and foremost, we believe in a people-first approach to the way we run our business. Doing right by our employees is something I’ve championed since I had a team of two. When it comes to work/life balance, I simply believe that life takes precedent, always.

Through the process of building and growing a company, it’s easy to lose sight of the reality that your team determines success. CEOs and founders face tremendous pressure to prioritize customers and shareholders. I’ve always felt that if you hire the right people, empower them and take care of them, they will take care of your business.

We do right by our employees, and we expect them to do right by our customers in turn. When those values align, our stakeholders are rewarded.

We also believe in the pursuit of excellence. For us, the prospect of winning isn’t just intriguing, it’s fun. If you’re in the tournament, you want a chance to play in the championship.

Doing something someone has never done before is rewarding in ways that extend far beyond the boundaries of the workplace. And knowing that your colleagues are on that same mission, with the same mindset, makes for an environment that’s both inspiring and welcoming.

Of course, the pursuit of excellence never supersedes our people-first approach. The first principle is highest.

Finally, we believe in a growth mindset. It doesn’t matter what you don’t know. People who approach their work at Ushur with an intent and willingness to learn will always be successful here.

I myself am the product of a $100 education. I don’t believe that specific accomplishments are required to achieve others. Regardless of where a person comes from or who they are, greatness is attainable with a growth mindset.

These values represent our cultural framework, whether we have 200 employees or 20,000. Our executive and management teams are committed to empathy, kindness and leading by example. We are actively growing and hiring today, so if Ushur sounds like the right place for you please reach out.

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