A Guide to a Successful Proof of Concept

When it comes to implementing customer engagement automation that could measurably transform your enterprise operations, jumping straight to a pilot is like test-driving a motorbike when your family of five might be better served by an SUV. Sure, the technology could be exciting and cutting-edge on its face (the motorbike could handle really sharp turns), but you’re missing the crucial step of scope.

A proof of concept (PoC) lays the foundations for successful implementation by looking at your organization’s needs holistically and determining how new technology implementation will impact every business process and employee. An impactful technology can alter your ecosystem wholesale and every interplay in your org, so it is incumbent on enterprises that are evaluating digital transformation initiatives to consider the elements of a well-executed PoC. Introducing Ushur’s Implementation Guide, with expert tips, recommendations, and real examples to answer the following:

How can an enterprise effectively evaluate an engagement automation solution before locking itself into a multi-year, multi-headache commitment?

Our goal with this guide is to offer transparency and highlight important context when evaluating automation technology by walking you through the PoC process step-by-step. A PoC is the vital precursor to a pilot and eventually to scalable, successful implementation that allows you to envision how automation can benefit your business.

In this guide, learn:

  • The distinct phases of a PoC
  • The elements of a strong, cross-functional evaluatory team
  • Key metrics and service expectations from your automation vendor
  • Rubrics to determine a PoC’s success and your pilot-readiness
And get answers to:
  • Which KPIs actually matter
  • Who’s critical to an effective implementation team
  • How to create momentum with easy automation wins
  • When to train your no-code business users

Download the Guide