Ushur Hub

Automation that understands™. Deploy the Invisible Hub to create a persistent destination for authenticated users to engage at their convenience.
Unlock Feature

Deploy intelligent, secure, hub-like experiences without any coding.

Improve engagement and business outcomes with a centralized hub to service your customers' and partners' needs–at scale.

  • Fully customize the experience to your brand and end user requirements.
  • Exchange sensitive files and view submission history with security and ease.
  • Seamlessly integrate automation workflows and core systems to reduce manual work.
Learn More
Name and description in Hub home page
Show Hub name
Show Hub description
Hub Name
Welcome to Circle!
Hub Description
280 characters remaining
Thank you for being a trusted partner of Circle Enterprises. This is your secure hub to service tasks, exchange files and view activity history. Please select a menu option to get started.
Activate or deactivate the Hub
If the Hub is inactive, all traffic will be redirected to a maintenance page. Only deactivate the portal if you need to disable it for any reason.
Message to display when Hub is inactive
We apologize as the Circle Enterprises portal is currently down for maintenance. Please contact [email protected] or try again later.
Message to display when Hub is inactive
Drag and drop here
Browse files
Requirment specifications
Background Style
Brand Color
Footer message
Show a shield icon and “Powered by Ushur” text in the footer of all Invisible Hub pages

Hub Info and Layout

Construct a layout using the grid below. Each added workflow will appear as a tile. Drag and drop tiles to re-arrange them.
Workflow name
Account Updates
This is the name your customers see.
Footer message
Show workflow description
280 characters remaining
Workflow icon
Drag and drop here
Browse files
Specification requirements
Account Updates
Member Enrollment
Policy Maintenance
Quote Request
Invoice Submission
Payment Management
Reference Materials
Activity History
Account Updates
Member Enrollment
Policy Maintenance
Quote Request
Invoice Submission
Payment Management
Reference Materials
Activity History
Unlock Feature

There's a better way to engage

Ushur Hub provides a quick, secure alternative to legacy channels and portals that are costly to maintain and inefficient to scale.

  • Connect any pre-existing workflows or build from scratch.
  • Customize the experience to your brand and requirements.
  • Remain compliant with any sensitive data shared.

Contact us to learn more about Ushur Hub.